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Team rPc.Auto.Fun`

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Alas, we actually won our first training match. *jumps around happily* everybody was so relieve, you could tell it from our faces. We played 2 matches and we won both of them againtz Skylord's team. Our drafting was pretty good. Well, actually i force them to not take QoP to let us take since we never had a Queen for quite some time. Here's how the draft was like :

Training match 1

Fun` ( Scourge )
Warlock, Venomancer, Syllabear, Sand King, Chen

Gaya ( Sentinel )
Viper, Queen Of Pain, Zeus, Vengeful Spirit, Visage

Lanings were Queen and Zeus up againtz Sand King at top lane, Viper againtz Warlock in mid, Visage and Vengeful up with Sylabear at bottom while Veno and Chen were roamers. Top were pretty one sided for Sand King as he was heavily harassed by Viper and Zeus. But a mistake by Zeus cost him a first blood and made Sand King closer to his dagger. Visage and Vengeful were totally dominating bottom lane as Sylabear could do nothing more then just leech experience. But fast alertness by Veno and Chen to aid the Sylabear made the lane slightly more even. Whenever Veno and Chen roam, it made their Sand King felt pathetic as he could do nothing more then watching the creeps die right in front of his eyes. By level 6, Queen obtain a preserverance and it alarms Skylord's team to actually do something to do the Akasha. A couple attempts to kill the Akasha was failed miserably. Poor coordination I would say. Mid solo heroes were exchanging kills whenever someone send a backup. When Akasha farmed a Battlefury, he too start to roam and make way for Zeus to farm. Kills were slightly even as far as I know. Sand King got his dagger and started to roam too but could not deliver the package. He was often caught by wards and could not blink and epi. Through out the mid game, Fun` started to push mid when Bear had radiance and after a couple of push they setup a beautiful catch over in mid to kill Visage when he was on the way back to the tower. Without Visage as a tanker, it was pretty much easy for Fun` to take out the rax. Epi blink land them 4 kills and they did extremely well taking out the towers and rax. But the game was just about to begin, as we could defend pretty easily in mid lane even with 2 rax down. Queen farmed a Skadi and started to catch heroes such as Chen who is farming the forest. Visage started to get his items such as Guinsoo, Meka and Viper had Vanguard, Radiance and BkB. Well Queen had Aegis, Mkb, Guinsoo(sold battlefury in exchange for this), and Skadi. Well we finally decided to push when we caught one of Fun`'s hero lurking around and took the rax in middle. Sand King and Bear had pretty buffed items such as Aegis and Heart but could do nothing when they are hex. We defended pretty well againtz a team who had the advantage of taking the mid rax early game and I would say our Vengeful was a correct pick as he swapped the correct heroes that we wanted to take out. (Note: He did a silly swap early game where he swap Venomancer into us. *laughs*) Game ended at 100th ++ minute. Pretty long game and I could not describe all the exciting moments all here. Overall, we manage to pull it off and it was a pretty close game.

Will describe the second game on the next post.

k3v at 4:31 AM

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